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480 results:
20.03.2018 | Climate change | Publication
Towards a just transition in the Philippine electricity sector
On the example of the Philippines, this publication looks at the political and social factors that drive—but also hamper—socially just energy transitions in Asia.  
23.11.2021 | News
More than just a number: the rising value of high-prestige digits in modern Mongolia
Fascination with auspicious numbers is common in Asian cultures. In Mongolia, phone numbers have become a symbol of the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Some can be sold for as much as an  
05.09.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
The new geopolitics of the Pacific Island nations
What makes foreign interests in the Pacific Islands grow and what does their engagement mean for the future of the small island nations?  
16.03.2021 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
It is time to revise our definition of ‘the labour movement’ in Thailand
Looking at the past to find changing meanings of the ‘labour movement’: Historian Sakdina Chatrakul Na Ayudhya takes a close look at the history of unions in Thailand and finds that innovative steps  
16.02.2021 | Future of Work | Publication
Collective bargaining on digital platforms and data stewardship
With a spot-on description of the problems workers in the digital economy face today Astha Kapoor develops models that allow workers to develop structures to increase digital self-determination and  
02.07.2020 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Human rights in the Afghan peace process
The Afghan peace process is at a crossroads. Violence is escalating, human rights workers and civilians are targeted, and rights abuses are widespread. Afghanistan’s Independent Human Rights  
Fisherfolk of Chennai | © Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung / Shruthi Kulkarni
24.02.2022 | Climate change | News
Chennai’s pursuit towards a green and inclusive city
Rapid urbanisation in Chennai is leaving the city's vulnerable susceptible to effects of unplanned growth and climate change.  
Workers dumps a trash can into a garbage truck at road side.
15.05.2018 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Trade rules threaten workers’ rights and public services
Trade unions are developing strategies to address the harm a new generation of trade agreements may have on workers and access to public services in the Asia-Pacific region.  
© FES Mongolia
07.04.2022 | Gender Justice | News
Fighting gender bias in Mongolian political news coverage
The lack of women's representation in political news coverage is global. But journalists and newsrooms in Mongolia have started to work to break the gender bias in media.  
22.11.2017 | Climate change | News
No more justification for banking on coal
Bonn (Germany) – Interview with Nithi Nesaduria, member of the South-East Asia delegation attending the latest round of climate change talks by the United Nations (UN) from 6-17 November  
Search results 241 until 250 of 480