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480 results:
27.09.2021 | Future of Work | News
Fragile dreams: Stories of migrant workers from the Philippines
Migrant workers from the Philippines leave home full of hopes and dreams; unknown to them are hidden costs of migration that can break their spirit. But help is sometimes at hand, at least for some  
21.07.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
India and Germany: Potential for collaborations towards a secure Indo-Pacific region
Prof C. Raja Mohan looks at India’s changing approach to China and reviews the possibilities for cooperation between India and Germany in reshaping Asian security and reordering the relations between  
Voters cast their votes at a polling station during election.
17.04.2023 | Gender Justice | News
Fighting elections and gender inequality at the same time in Pakistan
Pakistani women have been striving for rights and representation along the history of Pakistan’s politics. What has been progress towards more gender equality? What could be the way to overcome  
21.08.2023 | Gender Justice | News
Gender-Responsive Budgeting in Pakistan: Interview with Marion Boeker and Dr. Elisabeth Klatzer
Political economist and human rights experts underlined that any money spent in the current crises must focus on the needs of both women and men. FES Pakistan had a conversation with two of them  
24.05.2022 | Gender Justice | News
The crucial role of Filipino women in the country’s road to peace
With spaces for dialogues and leadership expanding in government and civil society, women in the Philippines have taken up the role of peace leaders and are contributing extraordinary work to the  
14.05.2024 | Climate change | News
Bangladeshi youth voices: From grassroots to COP28 climate talks
The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), hosted in Dubai last November, was a landmark event in the global battle against climate change.  
20.10.2021 | Climate change, Gender Justice | News
A feminist approach to urban planning is vital for the future of cities
Integrating feminist priorities into city planning is essential, not just for gender equity, but also for climate resilience and wider sustainability. The concept is not new on a global level, but it  
03.07.2020 | Geopolitics and International Order, COVID-19 on East Asia | Coronabrief
Mongolia’s diplomacy amidst the pandemic and geopolitical rivalries
Rising geopolitical tensions and the COVID-19 pandemic constitute a major challenge for Mongolia’s multilateral and regional initiatives. To avoid becoming a geopolitical chessboard, Mongolian  
10.11.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
The rekindled appetite for an Asian Monetary Fund: A China perspective
The renewed interest in an Asian Monetary Fund is a continuation of existing regional currency cooperation since the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Rising geopolitical tensions, supply chain  
A primary school flooded in Khairpur district, Sindh, Pakistan
13.09.2022 | Climate change | News
Pakistan’s devastating floods are a call for climate action
An interview with FES partner Khadim Hussain Mirani about relief efforts, the climate crisis, and the challenges for workers and local economies in the aftermath of the floods in the Sindh province  
Search results 261 until 270 of 480