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480 results:
07.07.2017 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
“Dialogue is a powerful tool if it leads to cooperation”
Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) – Interview with Damba Ganbat, organizer of the Ulaanbaatar Dialogue, on the challenges to peace and security in Northeast Asia, the role of Mongolia and its relationship to  
08.06.2021 | Future Hub | News
Bridging diversity the Indonesian way
Indonesia has answered the age-old question of how to ensure cooperation across a diverse population, by using a set of principles derived from the local culture and wisdom.  
Truck in industrial port area being let through customs
15.10.2018 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Targeted sanctions can help the EU promote labour standards beyond its borders
The use of targeted sanction solves the main problem with blanket sanctions—the indiscriminate impact—while preserving the most advantageous feature: their deterrent effect.  
31.05.2024 | Climate change | News
Financing the future
As global temperatures break records, the financial toll on nations rises. Two UN conferences could offer solutions to ease the devastating impacts  
13.09.2024 | Gender Justice | News
Saalitai Enger: Life of Mongolian herdswoman
Follow the scent of milk to explore challenging life of a herdswoman in Altai Mountains. While herding with Mongolian traditional clothe called "Saalitai Enger", she brings us to discover vital role  
08.11.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Pakistan’s geoeconomic pivot: strategies, opportunities, and challenges
Pakistan's National Security Policy addresses the country’s particular geopolitical situation, including a new geo-economic focus. It offers a fresh approach to the national security framework of one  
337. Imprint  
Imprint Legal notice of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. Godesberger Allee 149 D-53175 Bonn +49 (0) 228 883-0 +49 (0) 228 883-9207 www.fes.de Editor  
26.07.2018 | Future Hub | News
FES helps Philippines face challenges from climate change to workers’ rights to violent extremism
The globalization of work, the tectonic shifts in geopolitics, and climate change are all having an impact on the archipelagic South-East Asian nation of more than 100 million inhabitants where FES  
339. German Robots in China and the Alibaba Villages  
Discussion paper based on a conference on "Intelligent Manufacturing and Work 4.0 - Challenges and perspectives in China, South East Asia and Germany.  
02.06.2022 | Gender Justice | Publication
Toolkit for gender transformative communication
Featuring best practices and common pitfalls of communications within international cooperation.  
Search results 331 until 340 of 480