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480 results:
23.09.2016 | Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News
Meanwhile in India: Why all that fuss about Feminism?
New Delhi (India) – Shiva and his consort Parvati* in discussion on feminism in a new comic by FES India to mark the launch of their country study as part of a regional project on political feminism  
Fresh uncooked shrimps piled up in a large tub for sale at a seafood store.
17.12.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Fishy business
A first-person's account on the labour conditions in the shrimp industry in the Andaman Sea.  
23.09.2016 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | Publication
Afghanistan’s energy security: tracing Central Asian countries’ contribution
Afghanistan has made great strides in improving electricity access for its people since 2001. However, it is still a long way from achieving energy security as it suffers from inconsistent energy  
24.11.2022 | Gender Justice | News
“Women are leading effectively and efficiently any time they are given the opportunity”
An interview on empowering women in Pakistan’s local politics with Shad Begum.  
13.07.2020 | News
A new generation of politicians in Mongolia
On 24 June 2020, the ruling centre-left Mongolian People’s Party (MPP) defended its super majority. One of the reasons for the MPP’s success was the nomination of fresh and mostly younger faces in  
23.07.2016 | Gender Justice | Publication
Projected Gender Impact of the ASEAN Economic Community
How will the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), in place since 2015, affect the socio-economic opportunities for women in the region? The study at hand takes up this question by investigating and  
08.07.2020 | Geopolitics and International Order, COVID-19 on East Asia | Coronabrief
Tough choices in a tough neighborhood: Challenges and opportunities for the two Koreas
Buffeted by domestic difficulties and degradation of the international context at both global and regional levels, South and North Korea are already presented with tricky decisions that will impact  
29.07.2020 | Geopolitics and International Order, Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Geopolitical headwinds under and beyond COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated patterns of bilateral acrimony and geopolitical rivalry. The United States and China are missing a critical opportunity to shape a post-corona international  
16.09.2020 | News
Episode 02: A new Indo-Pacific and India's changing foreign policy
We explore India’s changing foreign and security policy in its neighborhood, its complex relations with China and the role of the European Union with Dr Tanvi Madan, Director of the India Project and  
23.05.2016 | Economy of tomorrow | Publication
Escaping the middle income trap in Indonesia: an analysis of risks, remedies and national characteristics
Since the early 1990s Indonesia has been a lower-middle income country that gained international recognition as an attractive emerging market for investment and trade.  
Search results 341 until 350 of 480