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480 results:
15.05.2017 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Political feminism and the women's movement in Thailand
In recent years, challenges caused by social and political unrest and conflicts over natural resources and the environment have had an impact on the lives and livelihoods of Thai women. These  
362. Women’s Economic Resilience After COVID-19  
The COVID19-crisis has revealed multiple fault-lines, yet these could also be seen as opportunities for identification of changes to help women cope with and recover from the crisis. A new FES W7  
363. Gender justice through digital rights and data  
Opportunities and threats of digitalization for women in the COVID-19 crisis. Reflections from Asia as part of the FES W7-blog.  
30.08.2022 | Future Hub | News
Kathmandu's rapper revolution
Recent local elections in Nepal have brought a number of independent candidates into office. Among them is Balendra Shah ‘Balen’, Kathmandu Metropolitan City’s new rapper mayor who has raised major  
16.06.2017 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | Publication
Who benefits from trade?
This publication reveals how trade and global value chains influence working conditions in Asia. It is based on research in the garment, footwear and electronics industries in four different  
20.03.2017 | Gender Justice | News
Unseen Shadows: Migration and the barren lives of Changar
Himachal Pradesh (India)—A short documentary by FES raises awareness about the hardships of women and the families of migrant workers in India.  
13.11.2023 | Climate change, Gender Justice | News
Climate change's devastating toll: Salinity's impact on coastal women's health in Bangladesh
With fresh water increasingly scarce in the coastal areas of Bangladesh, women and girls must wash their menstrual cloths and other sanitary items in dirty and salty water. This photo series part one  
21.11.2023 | Climate change | News
Climate's cruel toll: The agonizing quest for coastal food and livelihood security
Their lives have never been the same after the salinity intrusion. The photo series part two reveals enormous impact of climate change on coastal people in Bangladesh. Some have to change their  
26.11.2023 | Cross-cutting regional issues, Climate change | News
Capturing sustainability: how the guardians of the forest define it
Rural communities, suburban and urban areas are what make a city a city. But imagine if all rural communities, and the aforementioned urban areas are becoming more environmentally sustainable, the  
20.12.2023 | Climate change | News
Opening the mixed bag from COP28: An Asian perspective
Did COP28 succeed in driving globally enforced actions? Take a deep-dive into key outcomes of COP28, focusing on the roles, perspectives, and commitments of Asian nations.  
Search results 361 until 370 of 480