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480 results:
371. Asian indigenous peoples seek greater participation, respect in climate fight  
Respecting the rights of indigenous peoples and enhancing their participation in climate change processes play a crucial role in addressing climate change, indigenous representatives from Asia  
08.04.2024 | Cross-cutting regional issues, Trade, labour and social dialogue, Gender Justice | News
Terms of Reference Layout Design for Booklet Let’s Make Trade Unions More Gender Just 2024
FES Regional Gender Justice Project in Asia is calling for a professional layout designer for a booklet; 'Let’s Make Trade Unions More Gender Just 2024'.  
18.04.2024 | Climate change | News
In Visuals: The Air We Breathe, The Haze We Don’t Need
Tackling transboundary haze problems in Southeast Asia is not the job of the governments alone: rather, it should be on top of everybody’s mind given that the air we breathe simply knows no  
05.07.2024 | Future Hub | News
Party politics in South Korea after electoral “Judgment Day”
On 10 April, the people of South Korea passed a harsh judgment on the existing political forces, in the country’s 22nd general election. The governing party was under scrutiny. Real progressive  
20.12.2016 | Trade, labour and social dialogue, #CLSPlus | News
Core Labour Standards Plus – No More Trade Deals Without Binding & Enforceable Labour Provision
More spare time, better pay, safer workplaces: The CLS+ project by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Asia aims to better the working conditions for workers in manufacturing industries integrated in global  
29.08.2024 | Climate change | News
South Korea has given up on energy transition: Citizens must change the energy policy
An opinion piece by Dr. Hyejeong Kim, Sustainable Development Research Center in South Korea, on the South Korea's national energy policy: 11th Basic Plan for Electricity Supply and Demand.  
27.06.2017 | Event, News
Video: "Missing Links – Making Trade Work for Workers"
Watch the debate at the European Parliament! Panellists, including Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, explore how to strengthen the social dimension of trade.  
26.11.2016 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Feminism in China
First comprehensive study on Feminism in China is now available to a global audience in English.  
Hands working with seamstress sews on an old sewing machine, threads the fabric.
19.06.2017 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Workers should get their fair share of the pie
Singapore (Singapore)—A new publication draws attention to the poor working conditions in global supply chains, and the link between trade and labour.  
21.08.2017 | Gender Justice | Publication
Women Migrant Workers in the ASEAN Economic Community
An excellent reference and policy tool founded on sound review and research, this report charts actionable policy recommendations for fair and equitable migration for women toward enhanced regional  
Search results 371 until 380 of 480