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480 results:
07.03.2018 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Feminism and the womens' movement in the Philippines
This study on the Philippine Women Movement(s) gives special attention to the struggles of women during different historical events and political regimes.  
10.05.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | Publication
Housing and Transportation in Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City
The study uses case studies to analyze the impact of urban planning on mobility and housing in Vietnam.  
19.04.2018 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Putting the spotlight on peace: Afghanistan security dialogue
Berlin (Germany) – FES hosts the Afghan National Security Advisor for a high-level public debate in Berlin to discuss the political peace process and emphasize regional dialogue initiatives  
31.05.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | Publication
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Vietnamese discourse
Current perspectives and understanding of Industry 4.0 and its various areas of concern as well as first practical responses from different sectors.  
05.07.2018 | Climate change | Publication
Achieving a socially equitable energy transition in China
In China, efforts towards an energy transition are increasingly ambitious. But although these policies have ushered in rapid gains in renewable energy, China continues to rely in large part on coal,  
Front side of a white-colour government building which has 2 floors
20.09.2018 | Future Hub | News
Are Timor Leste’s quotas for women in government a good thing? “Of course!” say female MPs
In Timor Leste, progressive quotas for women in government are opening up new avenues for women in politics.  
A worker climbing up the construction of stadium roof
02.11.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Mega-sporting events under a working conditions spotlight
Campaigns around mega-sporting events can support trade union work in the fight for better working conditions for migrant workers.  
18.11.2019 | Future of Work, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Examining women’s roles in the future of work in Indonesia
A discussion about women and the future of work in Indonesia.  
26.01.2019 | Future Hub | News
Mongolia to combat hate speech in online media
Hate speech is rife on local news websites in Mongolia amid a lack of self-regulation of the newsroom and of media literacy among the public.  
18.02.2019 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
“Let’s smash patriarchy one movie at a time”
A movie-rating app developed by a group of feminists from across Asia aims to give space for feminist critique of the mainstream movie industry in the region.  
Search results 401 until 410 of 480