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581 results:
| Future Hub | News
Mongolia to combat hate speech in online media
Hate speech is rife on local news websites in Mongolia amid a lack of self-regulation of the newsroom and of media literacy among the public.  
| Economy of tomorrow | News
How to put the “social” into smart cities?
A German delegation hosted by FES, visited Singapore to find out how the city state uses technology for creating a liveable city.  
Fresh uncooked shrimps piled up in a large tub for sale at a seafood store.
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Fishy business
A first-person's account on the labour conditions in the shrimp industry in the Andaman Sea.  
| Future Hub | News
Migration rules and regulations in one country cannot work alone
At a high-level ministerial meeting in Berlin, representatives of Germany and Indonesia back stronger international cooperation to tackle migration by democratic means.  
A woman in Myanmar with Thanaka powder on her face looking at camera
| Gender Justice | News
Closer to the equality goal: We all should be feminists
Myanmar activist Nandar draws attention to violence against the female body through her work as translator and performer.  
| #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
“Only long-term community activism leads to change”
The feminist network Political Feminism in Asia, a regional project by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, met in Penang to deliberate direction for joint action across the region.  
| Gender Justice | News
Comics for critical thinking and social change
Comics are a serious and an entertaining medium that can boost efforts to address the complex topics of feminism and the future of work.  
| Future Hub | News
Role play brings policy-making to life for youth leaders in Mongolia
Through a series of policy workshops in Mongolia, young political party supporters receive hands-on experience to work together and develop policy options for a range of scenarios.  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
As Vietnam revises labour law, FES and partners debate the opportunity to improve workers’ rights
The ongoing revision of Vietnam’s Labour Code is an opportunity to ensure workers’ rights are better protected in the economy of the 21st Century.  
A worker climbing up the construction of stadium roof
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Mega-sporting events under a working conditions spotlight
Campaigns around mega-sporting events can support trade union work in the fight for better working conditions for migrant workers.  
Search results 431 until 440 of 581