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399 results:
21. Just Transition Forum in Asia 2022  
Join us in shaping a socially inclusive and climate-resilient future in Asia powered by renewable energy!  
| Future Hub | News
Progressive Asia starts with the future
Manila (Philippines) – In this photo story, see how knowledge, skills and values are passed on to future political leaders for a progressive future in Asia.  
Covers of 4 publications in FES paper series: COVID-19 crisis and women in Asia
| Gender Justice | Publication
COVID-19 crisis and women in Asia
Gender-specific impacts, policy responses and women’s agency in context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
"Europe and Asia are not separate theatres"
Raja Mohan answers four questions about the larger implications of the war in Ukraine on the Asia-Pacific region.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Impacts of the Ukraine war on Southeast Asia
Charmaine Misalucha-Willougby answers questions about the larger implications of the war in Ukraine on the Asia-Pacific region.  
26. Reform of skills systems needed in Asia  
Policies promoting the digital economy and transformation of manufacturing must incorporate the social and ecological interests, including those of workers and trade unions.  
| Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
A crisis like no other: Asia and the wider global picture
The corona crisis is sending shockwaves through political, economic and social systems. The challenges for the Asia-Pacific region are enormous, and they call for systemic changes.  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Social protection for all people in Asia and Europe
The potential of Social Protection Floors to eradicate poverty and to balance economic and social uncertainties has been reaffirmed by its prominent role in the Sustainable Development Goals of the  
Photo of Marc Saxer with Asia map as the background
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Bridging the gap: To become partners, Europe and Asia need a better understanding of each other
Marc Saxer explores the controversial debate over the appropriate answer to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has laid open a disconnect between the West and many countries in the Global South.  
Preview of FES Asia geopolitics highlights 2022
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
2022 Highlights: Navigating the New Geopolitics of Asia
2022 marked another successful year of our regional programme on the new geopolitics of Asia. These are our highlights.  
Search results 21 until 30 of 399