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399 results:
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Nepal in the New Geopolitics of Asia
Together with its partners, FES brought together some of Nepal’s most prominent thought-leaders and politicians to discuss the country’s current state of play in regional geopolitics, identify  
| Climate change | News
A new chapter for villages in Asia
Rural and urban areas are connected in ways that cannot be dissolved or ignored. They are economically, socially, and environmentally interlinked spaces. But as the world is becoming more urbanized,  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Thailand in the New Geopolitics of Asia
Thailand has a long and demonstrated history of balancing its foreign policy against big powers. But the new geopolitical dynamics of the region present new challenges. Eminent Thai experts and  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Mongolia in the New Geopolitics of Asia
Mongolian experts and thought-leaders analyze the geopolitical and geo-economic dynamics that may shape the country’s future and discuss the strategies on how it can manage these challenges.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Pakistan in the New Geopolitics of Asia
Pakistani experts convene to analyse major regional and global dynamics at play and provide strategies on how the country can manage geopolitical challenges.  
| Climate change | News
How to finance a Just Transition in Asia
Discussion with climate experts on how can the Loss and Damage Fund be allocated, disbursed and accessed by vulnerable communities  
| Climate change | News
Shaping up for climate action in Asia
To mitigate climate change, Asia needs to undergo a transition towards a low-carbon economy suggests the climate team of FES in Asia, since May with a new coordinator heading up the team’s efforts  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Young workers in Asia get organised
Young workers affiliated to the International Transport Federation have expressed their concern over the growing trend of precarious work arrangements which are placing workers outside of the  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Pakistan and the new geopolitical order in Asia
The Asia-Pacific is one of the most strategically contested areas on the globe. The superpower confrontation comes with a multitude of challenges and opportunities for middle powers like Pakistan.  
| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Geopolitics of Critical Infrastructure in Asia
Over the last decade, Asia has seen enormous physical and digital infrastructure connectivity projects. They have become both key pillars and levers of competition and cooperation. To unpack the  
Search results 11 until 20 of 399