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581 results:
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Bangladesh: On with the next generation of trade unionists
In 2017, Bangladesh saw the opening of the first Academy of Work, a three-month long programme for trade unionists in the country. Today, they share their experiences!  
| Future Hub | News
FES in Asia, achievements and aspirations
At the turn of the year we summarize past highlights to celebrate and aspirations for the year ahead in the work with partners and friends by FES in Asia.  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue, #CLSPlus | News
Enforcing labour standards in Pakistan
Singapore – In 2014, Pakistan became a beneficiary of the EU’s GSP+ programme—a scheme which provides the country with zero import tariffs on most of its export. What has happened since with regards…  
| Future Hub | News
Communication in the Digital Age
Bangkok (Thailand) – Managerial staff of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Asia from offices in the region was part of a three-day workshop on strategic communication in the digital age.  
Munkhtsetseg Tserenjamts
| Future Hub | News
Digital populism
Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) – A closer look at how digital space is being exploited and the signs of cyber-populism that emerged in the 2017 presidential campaign in Mongolia.  
Photo by FES
| Future Hub | News
Big data in China and Germany – A challenge for governance and society
Shanghai (China) – A Chinese-German symposium about the field of tensions between economic innovation and personal rights in the era of big data, jointly organized by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)…  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue, #CLSPlus | News
Creating Decent Work in the Era of Global Value Chains
Singapore – Today, some 60 to 80 per cent of the 20 trillion US dollars recorded gross exports are linked to the production of multinational firms in global value chains.  
| Gender Justice | News
Tackling gender-based violence
Bangkok (Thailand) – How the elimination of violence against women can be achieved in Thailand  
| Gender Justice | News
ASEAN signs breakthrough agreement on migrant workers’ rights
After a decade of negotiations, South-East Asian countries signed an agreement to better safeguard the rights of the estimated 10 million migrant workers in the region, with a focus on fair living…  
| Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Security in China’s Silk Road: Roadblocks or express-way?
Manila – As China takes on a bigger role in the international community of nations with the Belt and Road Initiative, a workshop in Manila considers the security implications of its maritime…  
Search results 491 until 500 of 581