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581 results:
A crowd in Old Delhi
| Economy of tomorrow | News
Jobs: The challenge of soaring unemployment, a year before 2019 Indian parliament elections
What lies behind the looming crisis over the future of jobs and how might it might impact the politics of India in 2019?  
| Future Hub | News
Big challenges, bigger opportunities: FES helps India make the most of transformative change
With an office in New Delhi since 1981, FES has been active in India for 40 years, building platforms of mutual trust for open debate and exchange of new ideas.  
| #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | Publication
Linking trade and decent work in global supply chains in Bangladesh
 "Linking Trade and Decent Work in Global Supply Chains in Bangladesh" highlights power imbalances in the industrial and labour relations in Bangladesh along the global supply chain and offers…  
| Future Hub | News
Hanoi students experience German, Vietnamese views on sustainable tourism during FES-supported field trip
Undergraduate students from Hanoi explore alternative concepts of tourism and discuss the social and economic impacts of mainstream tourism on local communities  
| Economy of tomorrow | Publication
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Vietnamese discourse
Current perspectives and understanding of Industry 4.0 and its various areas of concern as well as first practical responses from different sectors.  
| Economy of tomorrow | Publication
The Social City: Aspiration of an Urban Transformation in Asia
In this discussion paper, Dr. Rita Padawangi is contextualizing, reflecting and comparing the urban transformation of cities like Jakarta, Singapore or Seoul from a progressive political-economic…  
| Future Hub | News
FES supports political dialogue for greater social equality and better quality of life in Pakistan.
Supporting narratives for economic transformation and people’s awareness about the links between domestic and regional questions, FES Pakistan works with partners to strengthen political dialogue in…  
Workers dumps a trash can into a garbage truck at road side.
| #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Trade rules threaten workers’ rights and public services
Trade unions are developing strategies to address the harm a new generation of trade agreements may have on workers and access to public services in the Asia-Pacific region.  
| Economy of tomorrow | Publication
Housing and Transportation in Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City
The study uses case studies to analyze the impact of urban planning on mobility and housing in Vietnam.  
| Economy of tomorrow | News
A question from Thailand: Is the platform economy a new face of labour exploitation?
Ride-share platforms have been causing conflict in recent years between workers using the platform and traditional drivers in Thailand’s second city Chiang Mai.  
Search results 461 until 470 of 581