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581 results:
| Climate change | Publication
A Socially Equitable Energy Transition in Indonesia
On the example of Indonesia, this publication looks at the political and social factors that drive—but also hamper—socially just energy transitions in Asia.  
| #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
Feminism and the womens' movement in the Philippines
This study on the Philippine Women Movement(s) gives special attention to the struggles of women during different historical events and political regimes.  
Aerial view of pedestrian crossing
| Economy of tomorrow | News
Linking the global urban and jobs agendas: Toward a policy framework for job-rich urbanization
An urbanization that fails to produce just job opportunities will have far-reaching consequences.  
| #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | Publication
A Hundred Years of Feminism in Indonesia
This study deals with the rise of feminism in Indonesia which started a century ago.  
| Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News
From the drawing board to reality
Political Feminism in Asia, a regional project by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung brings together feminist groups for joint action across the region.  
Four construction workers walking on the streets
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Tackling challenges of migration in the face of the Qatar crisis
Kathmandu – Experiences from the Philippines and Nepal suggest that a multi-lateral approach to international labour agreements could benefit weaker countries of origin like Nepal, while also…  
People crossing the street in a downtown
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Skilled, future-ready workers can withstand the impact of Industry 4.0
Preparing all workers to adapt to the changes driven by Industry 4.0 is priority for Singapore’s labour movement, says Sylvia Choo in the first of a series of conversations and essays about the…  
Two women working as a team to pack the finished goods in boxes in a factory
| #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Labour standards in trade agreements must be taken more seriously
Singapore – The sustainable development chapters the European Union has in place in trade agreements and the way they are used are not leading to a higher compliance with labour standards  
| Future Hub | News
Civic Education Development: Learning from a Thai-German experience sharing
Civic education in Germany is about pluralism not indoctrination, says Vachararutai Boontinand, advisor to a civic education project by FES supporting the civic education reform movement in Thailand.  
| Trade, labour and social dialogue, #CLSPlus | News
Trade should play a role in improving working conditions
The European Union says it is taking labour considerations into account in its free trade agreements, but it is not doing it in a way that actually leads to better working conditions for millions of…  
Search results 481 until 490 of 581