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581 results:
| Gender Justice | News
Unheard, Unseen, Unrecognized: Women in informal employment
Shalini Sinha of WIEGO, a global network focused on securing livelihoods for the working poor, talks about the need to think outside the box when it comes to supporting women in informal employment.  
| Future Hub | News
Teacher training, trade union relations and tax reform: FES Thailand helps local initiatives boost social justice across the board
More than 40 years now, FES has been working in Thailand, a land of contrasts and rapid transformation.  
| Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Putting the spotlight on peace: Afghanistan security dialogue
Berlin (Germany) – FES hosts the Afghan National Security Advisor for a high-level public debate in Berlin to discuss the political peace process and emphasize regional dialogue initiatives  
| Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Converging or diverging? Considering security implications of China's 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
China's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has given rise to both hopes and concerns among its stakeholders along the route. While it offers economic opportunities and greater connectivity, it…  
| Gender Justice | News
Trade unions in transformation: Reasserting union strength in Asia
Trade union power is often described as fading away under the pressures of globalized markets and closing civic spaces. A photo story from a conference with trade unions from Asia and Global Union…  
Wind turbines behind an ancient architecture in Rajasthan, India.
| Economy of tomorrow | News
Selecting the right narrative can help unify diverse stakeholders’ support
New Delhi – A new methodology pursued by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in India has been applying a new narrative for alliance building to energy reforms in the country.  
| Climate change | Publication
Towards a just transition in the Philippine electricity sector
On the example of the Philippines, this publication looks at the political and social factors that drive—but also hamper—socially just energy transitions in Asia.  
Pedestrians and vehicles at an intersection in city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
| Future Hub | News
Social urban policy must fight unemployment
Housing remains a fundamental right, but social urban policy must also add to its focus the fight against unemployment, explains in this interview Michael Müller, Mayor of Berlin.  
Driver foreman is fastening the lashing chains to secured the cargo shipment with the truck trailer before shifting to  destination.
| #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
EU refuses to apply trade sanctions for enforcing labour standards
The EU and ASEAN are strengthening their cooperation by working towards a regional free trade agreement. The Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) chapters in the current draft do not provide…  
| Climate change | Publication
Energy Transition in Thailand
On the example of Thailand, this publication looks at the political and social factors that drive—but also hamper—socially just energy transitions in Asia.  
Search results 471 until 480 of 581