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581 results:
Vietnamese women are carrying big fish at fishing port.
| Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Project launched to make sure Vietnam’s trade deal with EU endorses workers’ rights
In Vietnam, a rights group works to ensure that the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement safeguards labour and environmental standards laid out by EU and UN guidelines.  
452. German Robots in China and the Alibaba Villages  
Discussion paper based on a conference on "Intelligent Manufacturing and Work 4.0 - Challenges and perspectives in China, South East Asia and Germany.  
| #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | Publication
The future of "ethical production" for Cambodia's garment and footwear industry
"The future of ethical production for Cambodia's garment and footwear industry" examines how trade regimes, and particularly the trade arrangements with the European Union (EU) and with the United…  
| Future Hub | News
FES helps Philippines face challenges from climate change to workers’ rights to violent extremism
The globalization of work, the tectonic shifts in geopolitics, and climate change are all having an impact on the archipelagic South-East Asian nation of more than 100 million inhabitants where FES…  
| Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News
Feminism under construction: A push for new alliances in Asia
FES helps building new alliances that can bring feminist visions into the mainstream.  
| Climate change | News
Action on climate change can boost other aspects of development, if properly aligned
At a recent workshop in Vietnam, stakeholders explore how to bring together the work on climate governance and the implementation of the Paris Agreement with the implementation of the Sustainable…  
| Future Hub | News
FES Singapore: a focal point for social democracy in South-East Asia
The FES office in Singapore is the hub for the organization’s operations across Asia, which cover 14 country offices and 15 programmes as of June 2018.  
| Climate change | Publication
Achieving a socially equitable energy transition in China
In China, efforts towards an energy transition are increasingly ambitious. But although these policies have ushered in rapid gains in renewable energy, China continues to rely in large part on coal,…  
Aerial view of beautiful Jakarta cityscape with connection network at night time
| Future Hub | News
FES contributes to the German-Indonesian exchange on how to prepare for the fourth industrial revolution
Fifty years ago FES first established a base in Indonesia where today it works with local partners on a range of topics, from pathways to fair transition and urbanization to inter-cultural and…  
| Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
The Ulaanbaatar Dialogue – a “Helsinki” for peace in Northeast Asia?
An annual summit in Mongolia can serve as a platform for dialogue over the Korean Peninsula, in particular in the wake of the Kim-Trump summit in Singapore.  
Search results 451 until 460 of 581