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478 results:
23.07.2016 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Social protection for all people in Asia and Europe
The potential of Social Protection Floors to eradicate poverty and to balance economic and social uncertainties has been reaffirmed by its prominent role in the Sustainable Development Goals of the  
23.07.2016 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Increasing workers’ protection in ASEM | 10th Asia-Europe Labour Forum
An important mission of the international union movement is to increase its participation in global governance and convey the views and concerns of workers from Asia and Europe. In their dialogue  
01.11.2016 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | Publication
Democracies, economies and social protection – Understanding welfare state development in Asia and Europe
Scholars of the welfare state have long focused on a relatively small number of mature post-industrial political economies, above all the member states of the European Union, the United States,  
21.05.2020 | Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Gig workers in the pandemic: A call to catalyse social protection
Gig workers hold a unique position in the economic crisis triggered by COVID-19. Some parts of the gig economy – delivery of food, groceries, and other goods by e-commerce companies – have been  
03.12.2015 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
9th Asia Europe Labour Forum & 4th Social Partner’s Forum
Lively discussions of representatives from trade union centres from over 20 countries from Asia and Europe with government officials, the European Commission, other organisations and experts made the  
23.06.2016 | Gender Justice | News
Interview: Asia scores low on labour law protection for domestic workers
Over 35% of the domestic workers worldwide are accounted for in Asia where the Philippines remains the only country to ratify international labour standards for their protection. Changes are brewing  
28.10.2019 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Building liveable, social cities for the economy of tomorrow in Asia and Germany
Urbanists from Europe and Asia are facing some of the same challenges, but from often quite different angles. Experts from nine Asian countries visited Germany to explore social city making in Berlin  
04.12.2020 | Climate change | Publication
Social-ecological transformation in cities in Asia
Asian cities present unique challenges but also opportunities for low-carbon transitions.  
9. Just Transition Forum in Asia 2022  
Join us in shaping a socially inclusive and climate-resilient future in Asia powered by renewable energy!  
27.04.2018 | Gender Justice | News
Unheard, Unseen, Unrecognized: Women in informal employment
Shalini Sinha of WIEGO, a global network focused on securing livelihoods for the working poor, talks about the need to think outside the box when it comes to supporting women in informal employment.  
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