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480 results:
24.04.2020 | Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Who gets to stay at home? Social distancing in Asia’s megacities
In Asia’s densely populated cities, social distancing possibilities are limited. The pandemic reveals the need for more sustainable responses and people-centred urban planning.  
09.07.2018 | Future Hub | News
FES Singapore: a focal point for social democracy in South-East Asia
The FES office in Singapore is the hub for the organization’s operations across Asia, which cover 14 country offices and 15 programmes as of June 2018.  
11.05.2020 | Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
Technology for a social cause: TikTok and Asia’s mobile-first nations
TikTok, the most installed app amid the COVID-19 pandemic, makes influencers on social media “essential workers”. The platform presents an opportunity for concerted partnerships between governments,  
31.05.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | Publication
The Social City: Aspiration of an Urban Transformation in Asia
In this discussion paper, Dr. Rita Padawangi is contextualizing, reflecting and comparing the urban transformation of cities like Jakarta, Singapore or Seoul from a progressive political-economic  
31.10.2020 | Climate change, Economy of tomorrow | News
The case for social cities
Environmental disasters, a worldwide pandemic, looming recession and political turmoil shape Asia’s metropolises, making it clear why future cities need to be social ones.  
10.08.2017 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | Publication
Following the Forum: China's Belt and Road Initiative and the EU
This policy brief is meant to provide context for European decision makers as they encounter one of China’s most pervasive diplomatic and development vehicles to date, as well as some targeted  
04.06.2021 | Future of Work | Publication
Blue-collar workers of the platform economy in South Asia
How do blue-collar workers in Bangladesh assess their position in the platform economy? What can be done?  
24.05.2018 | Future Hub | News
FES supports political dialogue for greater social equality and better quality of life in Pakistan.
Supporting narratives for economic transformation and people’s awareness about the links between domestic and regional questions, FES Pakistan works with partners to strengthen political dialogue in  
27.10.2020 | Climate change | News
Pathways towards a social-ecological transformation in Asian cities
Revisit the findings of our regional research and learn more about social-ecological transformation in Asia!  
An Asian woman wearing blue helmet and protective glasses uses an industrial drill in a plant.
11.04.2019 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Towards a new social contract
The right to freely associate, bargain and be free from discrimination for exercising labour rights should continue to form the cornerstone of a renewed social contract in the future due to the  
Search results 11 until 20 of 480