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480 results:
05.08.2020 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Walking a fine line: Thailand and the challenge of the platform economy
Developing the platform economy has been a major agenda of the Thai government since 2016, but the chances of its realization are looking gloomy in the eyes of some Thai think tanks and academic  
26.05.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | Publication
The blue economy in the Indo-Pacific
An analysis of traditional and non-traditional security threats and contextualization of the geopolitical and economic situation in the Indo-Pacific.  
03.04.2017 | Economy of tomorrow | Publication
Political Economy of Change in Bangladesh
Development experiences in a number of countries bear evidence that these countries are unable to come out of the middle-income status after having graduated from the low-income group. They fall into  
02.12.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Reinventing connectivity for a post-COVID recovery: 13th Asia-Europe Meeting Summit
The COVID-19 pandemic has been eroding multilateralism and connectivity; principles that are needed the most to ensure a rapid and just recovery. These two related topics were the focus of the 13th  
14.03.2017 | Economy of tomorrow | Publication
India’s Coalitions for Change | Transforming the world’s most dynamic economy
The transformation of the Indian economy and the modernisation of the Indian state is essential if one million new job seekers a month are to be employed.  
18.12.2019 | Gender Justice | News
Exploring women’s meaningful access and participation in the digital economy
In a future for all, women will need to have meaningful access and opportunities to join the digital economy. FES partners met in Singapore to explore how emerging technologies can benefit women.  
20.10.2016 | Economy of tomorrow | Publication
Vietnam in the global economy: development through integration or middle-income trap?
Economic growth in Vietnam has been remarkable since the beginning of the comprehensive reform process in 1986. Yet, the question remains whether this spectacular development will be able to  
06.05.2021 | Future of Work | Publication
Care work and digital platforms in South and Southeast Asia
What is the role of digital labour platforms in the future of care work?  
23.10.2016 | Economy of tomorrow | Publication
The Economy of Tomorrow – How to produce socially just, resilient, and green dynamic growth for a Good Society, 4th edition
The Economy of Tomorrow (EoT) project brings together Asian economic thinkers with their counterparts from Europe to explore three key questions.  
30.04.2020 | COVID-19 on East Asia | Coronabrief
Sheep diplomacy and a troubled economy: Mongolia amid COVID-19
Balancing two mighty neighbours is part of the DNA of Mongolia’s diplomacy and economic relations. The country’s economy depends heavily on trade with China and Russia. As demand is decreasing during  
Search results 51 until 60 of 480