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480 results:
17.07.2020 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
From side table to centre stage: Social justice and the Afghan peace process
In the past months, Afghan policymakers and civil society have found themselves again in a “fog of talks” with representatives of the Taliban insurgency, international interlocutors, and each other.  
15.01.2019 | Economy of tomorrow | News
How to put the “social” into smart cities?
A German delegation hosted by FES, visited Singapore to find out how the city state uses technology for creating a liveable city.  
23.04.2018 | Future Hub | News
Teacher training, trade union relations and tax reform: FES Thailand helps local initiatives boost social justice across the board
More than 40 years now, FES has been working in Thailand, a land of contrasts and rapid transformation.  
A delivery man holds parcel box while using smartphone in a van.
10.10.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Strengthened social partnership in ASEAN can support just digital transformation of the world of work
Technological innovation is changing the way business is managed and how work is organized, raising concerns for workers in all ten ASEAN countries.  
10.05.2017 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Indonesian and German unions exchange tips for a "fair social contract" in the digital age
Jakarta (Indonesia) – The digital economy has consequences for both organized and informal labour, requiring steps by employers, the government and international cooperation, according to  
11.03.2020 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Social partnerships for a just future world of work
Lifelong learning and vocational training are at the center of the the Regional Tripartite Social Dialogue Conference (RTSDC), held for the 10th time to promote social partnership and discuss the  
07.05.2020 | COVID-19 on South Asia | Coronabrief
COVID-19 hurts the backbone of the Indian Economy
India, the world’s second most populous country, is under an unprecedented eight-week lock down. While the lockdown is necessary to contain the spread, it has a rippling effect on the economy,  
16.03.2022 | Climate change | News
The need to transform mobility for liveable and social cities
Sustainable urban mobility always involves several trade-offs: between comfort and pollution, between private and public transport, and others. A comparison of four Asian cities highlights the  
27.09.2023 | Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
How to stop Vietnamese workers cashing out of social security
Why are people in Vietnam increasingly quitting social security system? Labour representative, Vu Minh Tien, looks at pressures driving this trend in recent years and outlines urgent steps to reduce  
Pedestrians and vehicles at an intersection in city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
19.03.2018 | Future Hub | News
Social urban policy must fight unemployment
Housing remains a fundamental right, but social urban policy must also add to its focus the fight against unemployment, explains in this interview Michael Müller, Mayor of Berlin.  
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