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480 results:
14.12.2021 | Climate change | Publication
Bengaluru: Designing mobility for liveable and social cities
Urban mobility specialist Dr Yamini Jain portrays Bengaluru’s mobility sector and the city’s efforts to shift to safe, inclusive, affordable, equitable, and sustainable mobility.  
17.12.2021 | Climate change | Publication
Hanoi: Designing mobility for liveable and social cities
New case study provides an overview of Hanoi’s mobility system and recommends measures to raise liveability and ecological sustainability in the Vietnamese capital.  
11.02.2022 | Climate change | Publication
Jakarta: Designing mobility for liveable and social cities
Once among the four most congested cities globally, Jakarta's mobility system is showing signs of improvement. Elisa Sutanudjaja analyses the socio-ecological challenges and opportunities in  
10.03.2022 | Climate change | Publication
Summary: Designing mobility for liveable and social cities
Four case studies explore the state of mobility in Asia’s megacities.  
04.11.2019 | Future Hub | News
Civil society in India presents social innovations for societal transformation
India is known for its frugal innovations and ground-up development models. Through their work, the partners of FES have been pioneering social innovations in their respective fields of interventions.  
15.02.2019 | Future of Work, #CLSPlus | Publication
Industrial policy for economic and social upgrading in developing countries
Without successful industrial policy, developing countries cannot catch up.  
15.09.2021 | Climate change | News
Revisit our regional conference on social-ecological transformation in Asian cities
Our regional climate and energy project in Asia brought together practitioners, policy-makers and researchers to discuss common challenges and opportunities for low-carbon transitions in cities that  
27.11.2019 | Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News
Putting the care economy at the centre of future of work debates
FES partners address the emerging care crisis and think of innovations in Asia.  
10.05.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | News
A question from Thailand: Is the platform economy a new face of labour exploitation?
Ride-share platforms have been causing conflict in recent years between workers using the platform and traditional drivers in Thailand’s second city Chiang Mai.  
30.07.2017 | Economy of tomorrow | Publication
The Human Economy
On the social democratic path to decent livelihoods and development in digital capitalism  
Search results 41 until 50 of 480