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480 results:
Driver foreman is fastening the lashing chains to secured the cargo shipment with the truck trailer before shifting to  destination.
14.03.2018 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
EU refuses to apply trade sanctions for enforcing labour standards
The EU and ASEAN are strengthening their cooperation by working towards a regional free trade agreement. The Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) chapters in the current draft do not provide  
26.05.2021 | Climate change | News
Op-ed: Asian Development Bank should close its doors to all dirty energy
The announcement by Asia’s leading development bank to exit from financing fossil fuels made global headlines. While it would be a major step for a just energy transition if fully implemented, the  
02.06.2020 | Cross-cutting regional issues | Coronabrief
From diagnosis to cure: A post-pandemic paradigm shift
The COVID-19 crisis is forcing us to recognise the failures of existing social and economic systems. If we continue with neoliberalism as usual, it will lead to increased inequalities and more  
19.11.2021 | Climate change | News
To really leave no one behind
Hanoi's migrant manual workers keep the city running, but their already precarious work and living conditions have worsened during the pandemic.  
27.08.2019 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
Women and the future of work: New network selects areas for priority attention
The technological changes sweeping the world of work have particular implications for women. Specialists from across Asia have selected two areas to focus on as a matter of priority.  
21.11.2018 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
“Only long-term community activism leads to change”
The feminist network Political Feminism in Asia, a regional project by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, met in Penang to deliberate direction for joint action across the region.  
In North Korea, some state officials are wearing a special uniform.
02.02.2023 | Gender Justice | News
North Korean Women’s Struggle for Survival
“We, Korean women, survive no matter what it takes, because that's who we are."  
28.04.2020 | COVID-19 on South East Asia | Coronabrief
Indonesia: A late shift in re-balancing economic and health priorities
The most populous country in South-East Asia was initially slow to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now the government has stepped up travel restrictions and eased limits on public spending to fight  
01.06.2021 | News
South Korean generations at odds over how to tackle world’s fastest-ageing society
The South Korean population is ageing faster than any other in the world. Who bears the responsibility for the problem, and for fixing it, is hotly debated between the generations. A video by FES  
07.04.2020 | COVID-19 on South East Asia | Coronabrief
Philippines: COVID-19 as a public health crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbates the long-standing symptoms of a weak and inequitable public health system in the Philippines. A densely populated capital, widespread socioeconomic disparities and  
Search results 221 until 230 of 480