
09.10.2024 | Climate change | News

In the face of escalating climate disasters, cities are not only major contributors to carbon emissions but also vulnerable frontlines of the crisis,…


27.09.2024 | Climate change | News

Extreme weather events can bring devastation, but also valuable lessons about resilience and renewal. One project in Hanoi, Vietnam, reflects on how…


27.09.2024 | Climate change | News

What the worst storm in modern Vietnamese history left behind: Michael Tatarski recaps the aftermath and vulnerabilities, particularly faced by…


26.09.2024 | Climate change | News

Sarah Remmei flew in to Hanoi, her second home for more than a decade, just after the worst of Typhoon Yagi. What she saw prompted personal and…


16.09.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Amidst the escalating US-China tensions, the Philippines faces a dilemma regarding which side to pick, and is politically and economically susceptible…


13.09.2024 | Gender Justice | News

Follow the scent of milk to explore challenging life of a herdswoman in Altai Mountains. While herding with Mongolian traditional clothe called…


12.09.2024 | Climate change | News

Imran Hamid, youth campaigner from Bangladesh, reflects his participation at United Nations Climate Change Conference of Youth (COY18) in Dubai. He…


03.09.2024 | Gender Justice | News

The Asia-Pacific region is one the most diverse regions in the world in terms of politics, economy and culture. Despite significant economic growth…


29.08.2024 | Climate change | News

An opinion piece by Dr. Hyejeong Kim, Sustainable Development Research Center in South Korea, on the South Korea's national energy policy: 11th Basic…


19.08.2024 | Climate change | News

Discussion with climate experts on how can the Loss and Damage Fund be allocated, disbursed and accessed by vulnerable communities


19.08.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Understand how Pakistan can leverage geoeconomics to strengthen its economy and address geopolitical challenges in the video series by FES Pakistan.


08.08.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Marc Saxer interviewed Dr. Moeed W. Yusuf on how Pakistan can pivot to a better suited development model.


26.07.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

“Pakistan’s economy is deeply intertwined with both US and China: divorce from either camp would be tantamount to cutting off a limb,” Moeed W. Yusuf…


15.07.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Prof. Kim Heungchong answered the questions surrounding the way forward of South Korea in the face of geoeconomic disruptions.


11.07.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Thailand faces a crucial moment as the political and economic center moves to Asia. Diverse Thai stakeholders gathered and came up with strategy…


10.07.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

"There is no clear consensus of whether the ongoing trade war results in a net negative for Malaysia." In the midst of this uncertainty, Harris Zainul…


05.07.2024 | Future Hub | News

On 10 April, the people of South Korea passed a harsh judgment on the existing political forces, in the country’s 22nd general election. The governing…


04.07.2024 | Gender Justice | News

Interviews which showcase the women's experiences, achievements, impact to local governments in Pakistan and women's empowerment in leadership…


24.06.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Singapore, a major beneficiary of globalization who is heavily invested in both China and the West, is being threatened by the potential bifurcation…


31.05.2024 | Climate change | News

As global temperatures break records, the financial toll on nations rises. Two UN conferences could offer solutions to ease the devastating impacts


17.05.2024 | Climate change | News

Youth voices matter in climate action. Sohanur Rahman, a young climate activist from YouthNet for Climate Justice in Bangladesh, shares his experience…


16.05.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Guided by innovative methodologies, members and friends of the FES Asia Strategic Foresight Group discussed how Asian economies and societies can best…


14.05.2024 | Climate change | News

The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), hosted in Dubai last November, was a landmark…


30.04.2024 | Trade Union, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

How does "democratic workplace" look like for you? Trade unionists and workers from all across the region are here to share and put together their…


30.04.2024 | Climate change | News

For the first time, at COP 28 Bangladesh shared its own experience of the Just Transition and its impact on the working class. Dr S M Morshed, Vice…


19.04.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

What is the concept of human security and why is it important? Listen to Dr. Hafiz A. Pasha, the author of the FES report "Human Security in…


18.04.2024 | Climate change | News

Tackling transboundary haze problems in Southeast Asia is not the job of the governments alone: rather, it should be on top of everybody’s mind given…


10.04.2024 | Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Mungunzul and her teacher Gereltuya share the same dream: a life with dignity, respect of traditional culture, and harmony between ancient and modern…


08.04.2024 | Cross-cutting regional issues, Trade, labour and social dialogue, Gender Justice | News

FES Regional Gender Justice Project in Asia is calling for a professional layout designer for a booklet; 'Let’s Make Trade Unions More Gender Just…


08.03.2024 | Gender Justice | News

In the Asia-Pacific region, women bear the weight of unpaid care work, playing a crucial yet often overlooked role. It's time to shift the narrative…


23.02.2024 | Future Hub | News

Nepal recently celebrated its 74th Democracy Day. The country has come a long way in terms of consolidating democracy and establishing inclusive rule…


21.02.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

"It’s all about these redlines in times of instability and uncertainty", said Marc Saxer, FES Asia's Regional Director.


20.02.2024 | Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue, Gender Justice | News

The unnoticed workforce in urban waste management and environmental protection


14.02.2024 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

The geopolitical map of the Indo-pacific looks very different if looked at from the perspectives of Beijing or Washington. Our map visualizes the main…


| Climate change | News

Respecting the rights of indigenous peoples and enhancing their participation in climate change processes play a crucial role in addressing climate…


| Climate change, Gender Justice | News

Adopting a feminist approach to energy transitions is crucial for ensuring that the shift to clean energy is just, and addresses historical and…


20.12.2023 | Climate change | News

Did COP28 succeed in driving globally enforced actions? Take a deep-dive into key outcomes of COP28, focusing on the roles, perspectives, and…


20.12.2023 | Future of Work, Cross-cutting regional issues, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has created many impacts on all aspects of life, especially the employment issues of workers. The Federal Government…


14.12.2023 | Climate change | News

The urbanization of our world needs a concept. Cities are excellent actors in climate adaptation. Unveiling pathways forward at COP28.


04.12.2023 | Climate change | News

New Delhi, home to over 20 million people, took a major step towards climate mitigation when it banned all forms of single-use plastics in 2017. A few…


26.11.2023 | Cross-cutting regional issues, Climate change | News

Rural communities, suburban and urban areas are what make a city a city. But imagine if all rural communities, and the aforementioned urban areas are…


21.11.2023 | Climate change | News

Their lives have never been the same after the salinity intrusion. The photo series part two reveals enormous impact of climate change on coastal…


21.11.2023 | Cross-cutting regional issues, #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News

The Afghan human rights activist Shaharzad Akbar has been advocating for an inclusive and democratic future for Afghanistan since her youth. Born in…


13.11.2023 | Climate change, Gender Justice | News

With fresh water increasingly scarce in the coastal areas of Bangladesh, women and girls must wash their menstrual cloths and other sanitary items in…


10.11.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

The renewed interest in an Asian Monetary Fund is a continuation of existing regional currency cooperation since the 1997 Asian financial crisis.…


10.11.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Nepal is wedged between two powers: China and India. As great power rivalry spills over in the region, Nepal finds itself increasingly constrained.…


08.11.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Pakistan's National Security Policy addresses the country’s particular geopolitical situation, including a new geo-economic focus. It offers a fresh…


30.10.2023 | Climate change | News

An endeavour in Central Vietnam is bringing sustainable illumination to the area’s traditional Katu ethnic homes. The Duông house project in Quảng Nam…


20.10.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
a graphic image showing an Asian man with glasses and texts that say Asian Monetary Fund and Malaysia

The idea to set up an Asian Monetary Fund (AMF) has been revived after 30 years by Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim amid increasing worries…


29.09.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

The idea of an Asian Monetary Fund has been regaining traction among the economies of the Indo-Pacific region, nearly 30 years since it was proposed…


27.09.2023 | Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Why are people in Vietnam increasingly quitting social security system? Labour representative, Vu Minh Tien, looks at pressures driving this trend in…


20.09.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Great power competition has intensified in the Indo-Pacific region; India is in the centre of these geopolitical and geoeconomic push and pulls.…


20.09.2023 | Future of Work | News
an image of a dark room filled with crowd and a huge human face at the background

The age when algorithms control humans. How true is it?

The destructive controlling aspect of platform algorithms reveals the true nature of platform…


14.09.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

How does geopolitical competition impact the trajectory of Myanmar? What roles do China, Russia, India as well the neighbors play? In our exclusive…


01.09.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

The US-China strategic rivalry has placed South Korea in a difficult position. Prof Chung-in Moon takes a look at the country’s domestic debates and…


31.08.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Singapore is significantly intertwined with both US and China - even as the rivalry between them increases. Dr Yeo Lay Hwee shares her observations on…


23.08.2023 | Climate change | News

The devastation of climate change is widespread. But organisations such as FES Bangladesh, YouthNet for Climate Justice, and others are offering hope…


21.08.2023 | Gender Justice | News

Political economist and human rights experts underlined that any money spent in the current crises must focus on the needs of both women and men. FES…


15.08.2023 | Economy of tomorrow | News
A photo of a woman holding small flags and the background is full of country flags.

Halima Binte Islam told us that the FES New York Summer School was not just a series of lectures; it was a transformative experience that fueled her…


14.08.2023 | Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
A photo of a man holding a shovel with a pile of bricks in the background

Get a glimpse of the hidden chains of modern slavery in Pakistan, as millions endure bonded labour. Explore the critical and courageous role of…


09.08.2023 | Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
A photo of a worker resting on a mountain of leathers.

Workers in Bangladesh’s huge tannery sector have been bearing the brunt of recent “sustainability” drives, as authorities have relocated polluting…


21.07.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Prof C. Raja Mohan looks at India’s changing approach to China and reviews the possibilities for cooperation between India and Germany in reshaping…


27.06.2023 | Climate change | News

The relationship between India and Germany is founded on shared democratic values, and enshrined in multi-level institutional arrangements. This is a…


13.06.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Great power rivalry has intensified in the Indo-Pacific region and there is urgent need to explore ways for countries to navigate the challenges.…


12.06.2023 | Climate change, Gender Justice | News

At this match, "the Ball" is not only for kicking, but is also about forging solidarity between people to take action for a better world. Vietnamese…


01.05.2023 | Future of Work | News

We are recognizing workers in various sectors and industries across Asia. Their stories are the testament to the reality of their life and work…


25.04.2023 | Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Portrait photo of a woman worker in a tea plant in Bangladesh

Workers in Bangladesh’s renowned tea plantations have been fighting injustice and exploitation for more than a century. Trade unions have made some…


17.04.2023 | Gender Justice | News
Voters cast their votes at a polling station during election.

Pakistani women have been striving for rights and representation along the history of Pakistan’s politics. What has been progress towards more gender…


12.04.2023 | Future of Work, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Hot masala milk tea is being poured from the pot to tea filter

Nepali tea has great international market potential as colleagues of FES Nepal learned during a recent visit to Jhapa (Eastern Nepal). However,…


03.04.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

The reorganisation of the world economy is in full swing. To survive, not only companies but entire nations need to adapt their development models


31.03.2023 | Future Hub | News
Image of faces of more than a hundred people who are gathering in a huge meeting

Mongolia’s path to become a parliamentary democracy is unique. A public consultation now revealed where Mongolian citizens see potential for…


27.03.2023 | Climate change | News
A street in a city with a lot of cars and smoke covering the city

In Ulaanbaatar, the air was thick with pollution during the six cold months of the long Mongolian winter. Immediate measures are urgently needed to…


22.02.2023 | Gender Justice | News

New FES project offers platform to discuss evidence-based policy options and implementation strength to tackle gender injustices in the Asia-Pacific…


07.02.2023 | Future of Work, Economy of tomorrow | News

In the era of automation and digitization, qualification and training requirements for workers are undergoing drastic changes. Candidates, especially…


02.02.2023 | Gender Justice | News
In North Korea, some state officials are wearing a special uniform.

“We, Korean women, survive no matter what it takes, because that's who we are."


30.01.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Pakistani experts convene to analyse major regional and global dynamics at play and provide strategies on how the country can manage geopolitical…


24.01.2023 | Climate change | News
Hands being put together to show unity

Cooperatives have been developed to be an ethical business model for socio-economic development of underserved women in India. Explore recent…


20.01.2023 | Climate change, Gender Justice | News

Bahav (eng: flow) explores how Nepalese women in two of Nepal’s most remote districts have been navigating changing climatic conditions and their…


| Geopolitics and International Order | News
Preview of FES Asia geopolitics highlights 2022

2022 marked another successful year of our regional programme on the new geopolitics of Asia. These are our highlights.


10.01.2023 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Photo of Marc Saxer with Asia map as the background

Marc Saxer explores the controversial debate over the appropriate answer to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has laid open a disconnect between…


05.01.2023 | Climate change | News
Man checking solar panel on roof for safety at the top of a small house in rural area.

Over the years, climatologists have made it clear that the world needs to transition to renewable energy soon to prevent runaway climate collapse.


21.12.2022 | Future of Work | News
A woman at a construction site. She is holding a shovel, wearing glasses, gloves and a hat.

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Nepal and the Centre for Labour and Social Studies (CLASS) Nepal conduct first-ever power resource assessment of…


14.12.2022 | Climate change | News

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and environmental non-profit Live & Learn initiate Green Youth Labs: a training and mentoring programme for innovation and a…


08.12.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News
Cover image of article by Dr Yeo Lay Hwee showing a collage with a photo of her, chess pieces, flags of China, symbol of the EU and a dictionary article of geopolitics

Diverging views on the Russian invasion of Ukraine dominated the conversations during the visit to Europe by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung’s Asia…


06.12.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been seen by the West, in particular in Europe, as a threat to its conception of the world order. But this view is…


29.11.2022 | Future of Work, Geopolitics and International Order | News

The country’s most vulnerable are stuck between a rock and a hard place.


24.11.2022 | Gender Justice | News

An interview on empowering women in Pakistan’s local politics with Shad Begum.


| Climate change | News

Young people attending the COP27 climate summit in Egypt are calling for loss and damage compensation to cope with the irreversible impacts of climate…


10.11.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Mongolian experts and thought-leaders analyze the geopolitical and geo-economic dynamics that may shape the country’s future and discuss the…


| Climate change | News

We are now facing not just a climate crisis, but also an inequality crisis. COP27 must address both challenges by financing a just climate transition.


| Climate change | News

Unseasonal rain and extreme weather events affect agricultural productivity and fish stock of farmers and fisherfolk in India. Could conversations at…


17.10.2022 | Gender Justice | News

Role models and their stories have a great impact on supporting conversations about gender equality and gender justice. The FES Nepal Office collected…


06.10.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Thailand has a long and demonstrated history of balancing its foreign policy against big powers. But the new geopolitical dynamics of the region…


03.10.2022 | Climate change, Gender Justice | News
Mother with a baby stroller crossing the street in Minh Khai, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Cities tend to reflect traditional gender roles and gendered division of labour. Instead, urban planning and design should address inequalities and…


27.09.2022 | Future of Work | News
A group of workers at a bridge construction site

Trade union membership in Pakistan is no higher than at independence in 1947, causing the country and its citizens to miss out on the potential…


19.09.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Experts share their analysis of what the changing geopolitical landscape in Asia means for the Korean Peninsula.


13.09.2022 | Climate change | News
A primary school flooded in Khairpur district, Sindh, Pakistan

An interview with FES partner Khadim Hussain Mirani about relief efforts, the climate crisis, and the challenges for workers and local economies in…


12.09.2022 | Future of Work, Gender Justice | News

Latest research unveils key issues and opportunities for women and the future of work in South Asia.


05.09.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

What makes foreign interests in the Pacific Islands grow and what does their engagement mean for the future of the small island nations?


30.08.2022 | Future Hub | News

Recent local elections in Nepal have brought a number of independent candidates into office. Among them is Balendra Shah ‘Balen’, Kathmandu…


24.08.2022 | Climate change | News

Thailand's current practices and policies only include some of the elements that will be needed to achieve their ambitious commitment to reach…


| News

Facts, figures and the latest annual report of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.


26.07.2022 | Climate change | News

An interview with Chalie Charoenlarpnopparut about Thailand’s pledges, plans and priorities for its energy transformation.


21.07.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Marc Saxer answers questions about the larger implications of the war in Ukraine on the Asia-Pacific region and the future of the global order.


19.07.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Wan-Suk Hong answers questions about the larger implications of the war in Ukraine on East Asia and the Korean Peninsula.


06.07.2022 | News

50 years of German-Bangladesh relations are being celebrated by the Bangladesh office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Centre for Governance…


29.06.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

The Asia-Pacific is one of the most strategically contested areas on the globe. The superpower confrontation comes with a multitude of challenges and…


27.06.2022 | Future of Work | News

The polarization between formal and informal workers lately received wide attention in South Korea. Our FES Korea Office took a closer look at the…


21.06.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Lay Hwee Yeo answers questions about the larger implications of the war in Ukraine on the Asia-Pacific region.


14.06.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Charmaine Misalucha-Willougby answers questions about the larger implications of the war in Ukraine on the Asia-Pacific region.


07.06.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Raja Mohan answers four questions about the larger implications of the war in Ukraine on the Asia-Pacific region.


24.05.2022 | Gender Justice | News

With spaces for dialogues and leadership expanding in government and civil society, women in the Philippines have taken up the role of peace leaders…


18.05.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry shares his views on the developments in Afghanistan and the role of the international community since the Taliban…


12.05.2022 | Climate change | News

Rural and urban areas are connected in ways that cannot be dissolved or ignored. They are economically, socially, and environmentally interlinked…


02.05.2022 | Future of Work | News

Platform work is providing much needed employment to many. But bereft of decent working conditions, blue collar workers in the digital economy are…


| Gender Justice | News

Opportunities and threats of digitalization for women in the COVID-19 crisis. Reflections from Asia as part of the FES W7-blog.


20.04.2022 | Climate change | News

FES Philippines forms Youth for Just Transition Network to engage young people from different backgrounds in the shift from coal to renewable energy.


07.04.2022 | Gender Justice | News
© FES Mongolia

The lack of women's representation in political news coverage is global. But journalists and newsrooms in Mongolia have started to work to break the…


| Future of Work, Gender Justice | News

The COVID19-crisis has revealed multiple fault-lines, yet these could also be seen as opportunities for identification of changes to help women cope…


30.03.2022 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Together with its partners, FES brought together some of Nepal’s most prominent thought-leaders and politicians to discuss the country’s current state…


16.03.2022 | Climate change | News

Sustainable urban mobility always involves several trade-offs: between comfort and pollution, between private and public transport, and others. A…


08.03.2022 | Climate change | News
Women in Central Java Indonesia

Women and girls represent half of the world’s population, yet their invaluable contributions in tackling climate change are still unrecognized. This…


24.02.2022 | Climate change | News
Fisherfolk of Chennai | © Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung / Shruthi Kulkarni

Rapid urbanisation in Chennai is leaving the city's vulnerable susceptible to effects of unplanned growth and climate change.


16.02.2022 | Gender Justice | News
A woman selling fruits, vegetables and toys on a sidewalk of a street in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Vietnam has made great efforts in providing a comprehensive legal framework to protect women's and children's rights. But violence against women and…


03.02.2022 | Future of Work | News
Woman working in a little shop in central square of Bhaktapur

"For trade unions to be key players in this changing world of work, they need to understand and reflect the workforce they represent," argues Marta…


26.01.2022 | Climate change | News
Commuters queue as they wait to board a UV Express van in a PUV terminal at SM North EDSA, Quezon City.

As one of the world's most congested cities, Metro Manila faces increasing challenges to its urban development, highlighting issues of livability and…


17.01.2022 | Future of Work | News

The rapid growth of ride-hailing and other app-based services has changed discussions around workers' rights globally. A new FES research analyses…


11.01.2022 | Future Hub | News

Education in Asia is becoming increasingly privatised and commercialised. To learn more about the impacts and future trends of the sector,…


20.12.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

India has become a major player in world affairs. It is in the midst of a geopolitical repositioning as it navigates its place in the evolving…


15.12.2021 | News

FES-supported study from Malaysia uses empirical data to illustrate and analyze a fascinating example of a country in Asia, in which the majority…


09.12.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

2021 marked the launch of the new FES Asia geopolitics programme. A key pillar is the FES Asia Strategic Foresight Group, an interdisciplinary network…


02.12.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

The COVID-19 pandemic has been eroding multilateralism and connectivity; principles that are needed the most to ensure a rapid and just recovery.…


| Geopolitics and International Order | News

Over the last decade, Asia has seen enormous physical and digital infrastructure connectivity projects. They have become both key pillars and levers…


23.11.2021 | News

Fascination with auspicious numbers is common in Asian cultures. In Mongolia, phone numbers have become a symbol of the widening gap between the rich…


19.11.2021 | Climate change | News

Hanoi's migrant manual workers keep the city running, but their already precarious work and living conditions have worsened during the pandemic.


11.11.2021 | Climate change | News

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Asia launches an interactive map that lets viewers explore the current state of social and ecological development in eight…


09.11.2021 | Future Hub | News

Despite numerous movements for freedom, justice and equality, Nepal is still struggling to consolidate its new democratic system.


| Climate change | News

By the evening of 1 November 2021, India had captured the spotlight in Glasgow. The country announced a new net zero target by 2070, which meant that…


| Climate change | News

President of Indonesia Joko Widodo called for global collaboration to tackle climate change during COP26, highlighting the need for more climate…


03.11.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Bangladesh is emerging as an important player in Asia’s new geopolitical theatre. FES and its partners invited some of the country’s top thought…


| Climate change | News

The UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) is a chance for Vietnam to show its commitment to addressing climate change. Despite the country’s long-term…


28.10.2021 | Future of Work | News

Since the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) came into force on 1 August 2020, Vietnam’s significant garment and footwear sector has been working…


22.10.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

The announcement of AUKUS consolidates a security-led conception of the Indo-Pacific over more prosperity-focused ideas championed for example by the…


20.10.2021 | Climate change, Gender Justice | News

Integrating feminist priorities into city planning is essential, not just for gender equity, but also for climate resilience and wider sustainability.…


19.10.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Southeast Asia’s second most populous country is a flashpoint in the new geopolitics and geoeconomics of Asia. Filipino thought leaders and change…


15.10.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Most ASEAN countries are rather reluctant to choose sides in the intensifying geopolitical rivalry between China and the United States. There is a…


08.10.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

A European Indo-Pacific strategy that widens options for the regional actors is welcomed by New Delhi. The same can be said of AUKUS though explicit…


30.09.2021 | Climate change | News

South Korea is deemed to be relatively behind on climate policy. So much so that the country was considered a “climate villain” by international…


27.09.2021 | Future of Work | News

Migrant workers from the Philippines leave home full of hopes and dreams; unknown to them are hidden costs of migration that can break their spirit.…


15.09.2021 | Climate change | News

Our regional climate and energy project in Asia brought together practitioners, policy-makers and researchers to discuss common challenges and…


| Geopolitics and International Order | News

As geopolitical rivalry intensifies in both traditional and non-traditional domains, leadership around AI, emerging technologies and the increased…


13.08.2021 | Future Hub | News

FES Indonesia hosts capacity building for young people aiming to enhance awareness on key social, political and cultural issues, while equipping them…


| Geopolitics and International Order | News

A year and a half into the pandemic, the systemic implications of the crisis are engendering major shifts and, some will argue, sowed the seeds for…


| News

Together with Ariunzaya Aysuh, Mongolia’s Minister of Labour and Social Protection, we discuss the challenges and successes in fighting the COVID-19…


15.06.2021 | Future of Work, Economy of tomorrow | News

On 11 June, Germany passed a much-debated act on due diligence in global supply chains. Frederike Boll writes about the power of alliances, the key…


14.06.2021 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

The tourism sector of Nepal has been decimated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Workers and unions call for more financial support and a boost for domestic…


08.06.2021 | Future Hub | News

Indonesia has answered the age-old question of how to ensure cooperation across a diverse population, by using a set of principles derived from the…


| News

In this episode, Jomo Kwame Sundaram, one of Malaysia's leading experts on the political economy of development, takes a closer look at the social and…


01.06.2021 | News

The South Korean population is ageing faster than any other in the world. Who bears the responsibility for the problem, and for fixing it, is hotly…


26.05.2021 | Climate change | News

The announcement by Asia’s leading development bank to exit from financing fossil fuels made global headlines. While it would be a major step for a…


| Geopolitics and International Order | News

Small and landlocked states have their own unique set of challenges, but also opportunities, especially when caught in the midst of global power…


20.05.2021 | Gender Justice | News

Worsening security conditions and societal polarization pose a risk to modest gains for gender justice. We explored three critical aspects.


17.05.2021 | News

As the schools were shut down, the government opted to replace in-class learning with various means of distance education. This has revealed the…


12.05.2021 | Geopolitics and International Order | News

Greater Eurasia has always been subject to great power rivalries. A new map by FES puts the often-confusing multitude of smaller clashes, economic…


10.05.2021 | Future of Work | News

Over the past year, FES worked together with 20 researchers from across Asia to analyse the challenges of workers in the region and develop visions…


04.05.2021 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

For four years, the Academy of Work has been training the next generation of trade union leaders in Bangladesh.


| News

In our new season’s opening episode, we take a closer look at the latest developments in Afghanistan – the COVID-19 crisis, a difficult peace process,…


25.03.2021 | Gender Justice | News

Indian women’s participation in the labour market is low and falling, despite numerous policies and interventions from government and other agencies.…


19.03.2021 | Climate change | News

While many parts of the world are shifting away from fossil fuels, Southeast Asia remains a hot spot for coal expansion. A new report by Climate…


16.03.2021 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Looking at the past to find changing meanings of the ‘labour movement’: Historian Sakdina Chatrakul Na Ayudhya takes a close look at the history of…


11.03.2021 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

A new online director’s guide walks you through “The Things Imprisoned in the World of Words”, an exhibition about South Korea’s National Security…


04.03.2021 | Economy of tomorrow | News

Bangladesh has no shortage of bright young people keen to boost the country’s development. But many lack the research and specific presentation skills…


01.03.2021 | News

Participants from across Mongolia collect crucial data in an Open Street Mapping project in an effort to make health and essential services available…


23.02.2021 | Climate change | News

China’s recent commitment to reaching carbon neutrality by 2060 sends a powerful message, not only about what the country thinks it can achieve with…


05.02.2021 | Trade, labour and social dialogue, Economy of tomorrow | News

The line between using technology to manage workers and using technology to control workers is a thin one. In an interview with FES, labour expert Dr…


| News

Together with Christina Colclough, we talk about algorithmic decision-making and ways forward for the labour movement in the Asia-Pacific region.


21.01.2021 | Future Hub | News

The FES Nepal team spoke with the first resident director, Heinz Bongartz, about opening the FES office in Kathmandu and the role of social democracy…


| News

We explore themes of social justice and the changes required in the global order to ensure a more equitable and just society during and after the…


14.01.2021 | Gender Justice | News

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted billions of lives around the world. But the crisis is hitting already-vulnerable women and girls in several new…


08.01.2021 | Climate change | News

Energy is first and foremost a human-impact story; however, Vietnamese journalists have so far been focussing on its technical and business angles. If…


29.12.2020 | Gender Justice | News

1995 marked a seminal year in the global fight for gender equality. How far have China and Germany come, and what remains to be done?


22.12.2020 | Economy of tomorrow | News

Mongolia strives to play a leading role in the digitalization of government. Find out how in our interview with Anar Bayarsaikhan, the Director of the…


| News

We take a closer look at the impact of COVID-19 on Southeast Asia, multilateralism and how the region is tackling the economic, security and strategic…


16.12.2020 | News

The Institute of Politics and Governance (IPG) in the Philippines explores ways to continue supporting good governance through people’s participation…


10.12.2020 | Economy of tomorrow | News

Big data, mobile connectivity and artificial intelligence are dominating the daily lives of Indians faster than some predicted. But is the country…


| News

Today's double episode with Dr. Bärbel Kofler and Farzana Nawaz focusses on workers' rights along global supply chains.


23.11.2020 | Gender Justice | News

It is high time to act and re-imagine our digital future in Asia.


| Climate change, Gender Justice | News
Portrait of burmese woman carrying brushwood on her head, Bagan, Myanmar.

For the shift from fossil fuels towards renewable energies to be genuinely sustainable on both the environmental and social levels, it needs to be…


04.11.2020 | Climate change, Gender Justice | News

Watch the presentation of our four keynote speakers from our series on gender and energy.


31.10.2020 | Climate change, Economy of tomorrow | News

Environmental disasters, a worldwide pandemic, looming recession and political turmoil shape Asia’s metropolises, making it clear why future cities…


27.10.2020 | Climate change | News

Revisit the findings of our regional research and learn more about social-ecological transformation in Asia!


23.10.2020 | News
Image from istockphoto / claffra

An analysis of the US-China rivalry in Southeast Asia.


20.10.2020 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

What are the challenges and opportunities facing organized labour in Bangladesh? We spoke with civil society leader Shakil Ahmed.


| News

We are looking into China’s changing Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its complex relations with its neighbours as well as the EU.


03.10.2020 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Two tourists visiting the South Korean side of the DMZ stand on a symbolic map of North and South Korea, divided at the 38th Parallel.

It has been 30 years since the fall of the Berlin wall. FES Korea explored the significance of the German reunification for the Korean peninsula.


23.09.2020 | Gender Justice | News

Many households in bustling Indian cities rely on domestic workers. These workers perform arduous tasks, yet they suffer from low wages, unregulated…


21.09.2020 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

More than 350 South Korean and international civil society organizations, including the Korea office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, have launched a…


| News

We explore India’s changing foreign and security policy in its neighborhood, its complex relations with China and the role of the European Union with…


28.08.2020 | News

Our inaugural episode discusses the notion that we are living in an “Asian Century”. In an interview with the international bestselling author Dr…


27.08.2020 | Future Hub | News

A festival in North Sumatra brings together the region’s engaged youth each year under the principles of create – collaborate – celebrate. Now in its…


19.08.2020 | Climate change | News

During lockdown, FES Philippines produced “Can We Cool Down The Earth” - an audiobook on climate change aimed at children, voiced by young…


05.08.2020 | Economy of tomorrow | News

Developing the platform economy has been a major agenda of the Thai government since 2016, but the chances of its realization are looking gloomy in…


17.07.2020 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

In the past months, Afghan policymakers and civil society have found themselves again in a “fog of talks” with representatives of the Taliban…


13.07.2020 | News

On 24 June 2020, the ruling centre-left Mongolian People’s Party (MPP) defended its super majority. One of the reasons for the MPP’s success was the…


02.07.2020 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

The Afghan peace process is at a crossroads. Violence is escalating, human rights workers and civilians are targeted, and rights abuses are…


19.06.2020 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News

Human survival requires care work, yet paid and unpaid care work still lack recognition. An FES working group on the future of the care economy has…


01.04.2020 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

China’s geopolitics and geoeconomics are challenged by democratic transformation. Looking closely at the example of Malaysia, Sergio Grassi, analyses…


24.03.2020 | Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News

Payal Arora, author of “The Next Billion Users. Digital Life beyond the West” shares her views on digital justice and how it relates to the digital…


17.03.2020 | News

Bangladesh’s higher education is deteriorating. Extensive reforms are necessary for universities to better respond to the demands of the labour…


11.03.2020 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Lifelong learning and vocational training are at the center of the the Regional Tripartite Social Dialogue Conference (RTSDC), held for the 10th time…


06.03.2020 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

To make decent working conditions and inclusive development a reality for all, industrial policy can play a key role in the Asia-Pacific region.


28.02.2020 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News

Eight country studies shed light on the challenges and chances the 4th Industrial Revolution poses for female labourers.


08.01.2020 | Climate change | News

As governments show insufficient signs of comprehensively addressing the climate emergency, civil society must step up efforts to make sure their…


18.12.2019 | Gender Justice | News

In a future for all, women will need to have meaningful access and opportunities to join the digital economy. FES partners met in Singapore to explore…


27.11.2019 | Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News

FES partners address the emerging care crisis and think of innovations in Asia.


22.11.2019 | Economy of tomorrow | News

A Bangladeshi delegation explores small and medium enterprises in Stuttgart.


05.11.2019 | Climate change | News

Interview with Gotelind Alber on a genuine gender-sensitive climate transition for Southeast Asia.


04.11.2019 | Future Hub | News

India is known for its frugal innovations and ground-up development models. Through their work, the partners of FES have been pioneering social…


03.11.2019 | Future Hub | News

For Dendev Terbishdagva, November 9, 1989 was just another day at work as lecturer in Bernau, East Berlin. Until the news came that the Wall was there…


28.10.2019 | Economy of tomorrow | News

Urbanists from Europe and Asia are facing some of the same challenges, but from often quite different angles. Experts from nine Asian countries…


21.10.2019 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

The extractive industry in Mongolia is making huge money for multinationals, but tax avoidance means this wealth is not translating into investments…


11.10.2019 | Economy of tomorrow | News

If urban development is led by communities it can make cities—and the wider economy—more inclusive and socially just. Indonesian urbanists discussed…


11.10.2019 | Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News

Policies need to address the rising need for care and to ensure decent work in the care economy of Asia.


03.10.2019 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Workers using loader crane at job site and talking to the team by walkie talkie radio.

Developing countries must do more than boost exports if they hope to improve workers’ lives. But which industrial policies have proven best at…


17.09.2019 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Two years after the first Academy of Work in Bangladesh, trainers have restyled the programme to better respond to the challenges of organized labour…


27.08.2019 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News

The technological changes sweeping the world of work have particular implications for women. Specialists from across Asia have selected two areas to…


24.07.2019 | Climate change | News

A greater emphasis on renewable energy could benefit the people and the economy as well as the environment in Vietnam.


24.06.2019 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News
A female Asian engineer using angle grinder in factory workshop

Ageing populations, technology advancements, climate change and the rise of non-standard jobs complicate further the grim outlook of the labour market…


14.06.2019 | Gender Justice | News

In Asia the main priority for domestic workers is still to be recognized as workers.


07.06.2019 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
8 male fishers sit at the floor with green fishing net and smile to camera.

For a trade deal to be fair, it must benefit workers all along the supply chain. To make sure this happens, workers must have a say in policies and…


03.06.2019 | Climate change | News

A look at the county’s persistently popular but problematic power source.


31.05.2019 | Future Hub | News

A participatory higher education system and a prosperous and socially just labour market are at the core of the ongoing work by the Dhaka-based team…


30.05.2019 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Traffic jam with hundreds of city taxi, buses and pedestrians of busy city road in Kolkata, India

India shares many development challenges with other countries, in particular regarding the energy transition and its environmental sustainability.…


30.04.2019 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

In a changing world of work we need to recognize that all workers are workers, whether formal or informal, entitled to rights at work that guarantee…


29.04.2019 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News

At a regional dialogue in Dhaka, feminists, political economist and women’s rights and labour activists focus on recognition of care work and stronger…


11.04.2019 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
An Asian woman wearing blue helmet and protective glasses uses an industrial drill in a plant.

The right to freely associate, bargain and be free from discrimination for exercising labour rights should continue to form the cornerstone of a…


05.04.2019 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News

Bringing the women’s and workers’ movements together is a challenging task that one of the working groups as part of a regional project on feminism in…


03.04.2019 | Future Hub | News

A mediator and platform for exchange in Nepal through several periods of conflict and reform since the 1990s, FES is facilitating to build trust…


25.03.2019 | Climate change | News

Shifting spotlight from economic growth to the well-being of humans and nature can contribute to reduced carbon pressure on the Planet, better trade…


18.02.2019 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News

A movie-rating app developed by a group of feminists from across Asia aims to give space for feminist critique of the mainstream movie industry in the…


01.02.2019 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Contrast in Jakarta downtown district with modern skyscrapers, a large mosque and a very crowded low income residential district in Indonesia capital city

The large cities of Indonesia and Malaysia are no exception to the trend or rising poor and massive shortage in affordable housing and public…


26.01.2019 | Future Hub | News

Hate speech is rife on local news websites in Mongolia amid a lack of self-regulation of the newsroom and of media literacy among the public.


15.01.2019 | Economy of tomorrow | News

A German delegation hosted by FES, visited Singapore to find out how the city state uses technology for creating a liveable city.


17.12.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Fresh uncooked shrimps piled up in a large tub for sale at a seafood store.

A first-person's account on the labour conditions in the shrimp industry in the Andaman Sea.


16.12.2018 | Future Hub | News

At a high-level ministerial meeting in Berlin, representatives of Germany and Indonesia back stronger international cooperation to tackle migration by…


10.12.2018 | Gender Justice | News
A woman in Myanmar with Thanaka powder on her face looking at camera

Myanmar activist Nandar draws attention to violence against the female body through her work as translator and performer.


21.11.2018 | #FeministAsia, Gender Justice | News

The feminist network Political Feminism in Asia, a regional project by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, met in Penang to deliberate direction for joint…


13.11.2018 | Gender Justice | News

Comics are a serious and an entertaining medium that can boost efforts to address the complex topics of feminism and the future of work.


12.11.2018 | Future Hub | News

Through a series of policy workshops in Mongolia, young political party supporters receive hands-on experience to work together and develop policy…


07.11.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

The ongoing revision of Vietnam’s Labour Code is an opportunity to ensure workers’ rights are better protected in the economy of the 21st Century.


02.11.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
A worker climbing up the construction of stadium roof

Campaigns around mega-sporting events can support trade union work in the fight for better working conditions for migrant workers.


| Economy of tomorrow | News

Policies promoting the digital economy and transformation of manufacturing must incorporate the social and ecological interests, including those of…


24.10.2018 | Climate change | News

FES Vietnam promotes collaborations to achieve fairness and leave no one behind in Vietnam’s energy shift.


16.10.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Two female warehouse workers using a laptop working at a storehouse.

Smart factories and AI-augmented services have potential to cause massive disruption in the labour-intensive manufacturing and services sectors of…


15.10.2018 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Truck in industrial port area being let through customs

The use of targeted sanction solves the main problem with blanket sanctions—the indiscriminate impact—while preserving the most advantageous feature:…


11.10.2018 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Applying targeted sanctions to enforce labour standards in trade agreements and trade preferences can improve the incentive for compliance.


10.10.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
A delivery man holds parcel box while using smartphone in a van.

Technological innovation is changing the way business is managed and how work is organized, raising concerns for workers in all ten ASEAN countries.


04.10.2018 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Aerial view of around a hundred of containers in a port

Initially embracing the opportunity to participate in China’s BRI, Myanmar is now sounding a note of caution about its exposure to Beijing’s projects…


29.09.2018 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

A more articulate vision for a stable and secure Eurasia can act as the baseline for all EU endeavours with regard to proposals such as the Belt and…


20.09.2018 | Future Hub | News
Front side of a white-colour government building which has 2 floors

In Timor Leste, progressive quotas for women in government are opening up new avenues for women in politics.


10.09.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Vietnamese women are carrying big fish at fishing port.

In Vietnam, a rights group works to ensure that the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement safeguards labour and environmental standards laid out by EU and…


26.07.2018 | Future Hub | News

The globalization of work, the tectonic shifts in geopolitics, and climate change are all having an impact on the archipelagic South-East Asian nation…


25.07.2018 | Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News

FES helps building new alliances that can bring feminist visions into the mainstream.


10.07.2018 | Climate change | News

At a recent workshop in Vietnam, stakeholders explore how to bring together the work on climate governance and the implementation of the Paris…


09.07.2018 | Future Hub | News

The FES office in Singapore is the hub for the organization’s operations across Asia, which cover 14 country offices and 15 programmes as of June…


04.07.2018 | Future Hub | News
Aerial view of beautiful Jakarta cityscape with connection network at night time

Fifty years ago FES first established a base in Indonesia where today it works with local partners on a range of topics, from pathways to fair…


26.06.2018 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

An annual summit in Mongolia can serve as a platform for dialogue over the Korean Peninsula, in particular in the wake of the Kim-Trump summit in…


19.06.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | News
A crowd in Old Delhi

What lies behind the looming crisis over the future of jobs and how might it might impact the politics of India in 2019?


07.06.2018 | Future Hub | News

With an office in New Delhi since 1981, FES has been active in India for 40 years, building platforms of mutual trust for open debate and exchange of…


31.05.2018 | Future Hub | News

Undergraduate students from Hanoi explore alternative concepts of tourism and discuss the social and economic impacts of mainstream tourism on local…


24.05.2018 | Future Hub | News

Supporting narratives for economic transformation and people’s awareness about the links between domestic and regional questions, FES Pakistan works…


15.05.2018 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Workers dumps a trash can into a garbage truck at road side.

Trade unions are developing strategies to address the harm a new generation of trade agreements may have on workers and access to public services in…


10.05.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | News

Ride-share platforms have been causing conflict in recent years between workers using the platform and traditional drivers in Thailand’s second city…


27.04.2018 | Gender Justice | News

Shalini Sinha of WIEGO, a global network focused on securing livelihoods for the working poor, talks about the need to think outside the box when it…


23.04.2018 | Future Hub | News

More than 40 years now, FES has been working in Thailand, a land of contrasts and rapid transformation.


19.04.2018 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

Berlin (Germany) – FES hosts the Afghan National Security Advisor for a high-level public debate in Berlin to discuss the political peace process and…


16.04.2018 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

China's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has given rise to both hopes and concerns among its stakeholders along the route. While it offers…


29.03.2018 | Gender Justice | News

Trade union power is often described as fading away under the pressures of globalized markets and closing civic spaces. A photo story from a…


25.03.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Wind turbines behind an ancient architecture in Rajasthan, India.

New Delhi – A new methodology pursued by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in India has been applying a new narrative for alliance building to energy…


19.03.2018 | Future Hub | News
Pedestrians and vehicles at an intersection in city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Housing remains a fundamental right, but social urban policy must also add to its focus the fight against unemployment, explains in this interview…


14.03.2018 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Driver foreman is fastening the lashing chains to secured the cargo shipment with the truck trailer before shifting to  destination.

The EU and ASEAN are strengthening their cooperation by working towards a regional free trade agreement. The Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD)…


05.03.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Aerial view of pedestrian crossing

An urbanization that fails to produce just job opportunities will have far-reaching consequences.


04.03.2018 | Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News

Political Feminism in Asia, a regional project by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung brings together feminist groups for joint action across the region.


01.03.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Four construction workers walking on the streets

Kathmandu – Experiences from the Philippines and Nepal suggest that a multi-lateral approach to international labour agreements could benefit weaker…


27.02.2018 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

China’s Belt and Road Initiative has stirred up diverging responses along its route in South Asia and the Horn of Africa. A photo story from a…


25.02.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

An alumnus speaks of her good fortune in attending the Global Labour University.


20.02.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
People crossing the street in a downtown

Preparing all workers to adapt to the changes driven by Industry 4.0 is priority for Singapore’s labour movement, says Sylvia Choo in the first of a…


17.02.2018 | Economy of tomorrow | News

Karachi (Pakistan) – In Pakistan as elsewhere, the search is on for a system of economic and political governance that ensures socially inclusive,…


02.02.2018 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Two women working as a team to pack the finished goods in boxes in a factory

Singapore – The sustainable development chapters the European Union has in place in trade agreements and the way they are used are not leading to a…


31.01.2018 | Future Hub | News

Civic education in Germany is about pluralism not indoctrination, says Vachararutai Boontinand, advisor to a civic education project by FES supporting…


29.01.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue, #CLSPlus | News

The European Union says it is taking labour considerations into account in its free trade agreements, but it is not doing it in a way that actually…


22.01.2018 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

In 2017, Bangladesh saw the opening of the first Academy of Work, a three-month long programme for trade unionists in the country. Today, they share…


07.01.2018 | Future Hub | News

At the turn of the year we summarize past highlights to celebrate and aspirations for the year ahead in the work with partners and friends by FES in…


26.12.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue, #CLSPlus | News

Singapore – In 2014, Pakistan became a beneficiary of the EU’s GSP+ programme—a scheme which provides the country with zero import tariffs on most of…


21.12.2017 | Future Hub | News

Bangkok (Thailand) – Managerial staff of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Asia from offices in the region was part of a three-day workshop on strategic…


20.12.2017 | Future Hub | News
Munkhtsetseg Tserenjamts

Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) – A closer look at how digital space is being exploited and the signs of cyber-populism that emerged in the 2017 presidential…


13.12.2017 | Future Hub | News
Photo by FES

Shanghai (China) – A Chinese-German symposium about the field of tensions between economic innovation and personal rights in the era of big data,…


12.12.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue, #CLSPlus | News

Singapore – Today, some 60 to 80 per cent of the 20 trillion US dollars recorded gross exports are linked to the production of multinational firms in…


05.12.2017 | Gender Justice | News

Bangkok (Thailand) – How the elimination of violence against women can be achieved in Thailand


24.11.2017 | Gender Justice | News

After a decade of negotiations, South-East Asian countries signed an agreement to better safeguard the rights of the estimated 10 million migrant…


22.11.2017 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

Manila – As China takes on a bigger role in the international community of nations with the Belt and Road Initiative, a workshop in Manila considers…


22.11.2017 | Climate change | News

Bonn (Germany) – Interview with Nithi Nesaduria, member of the South-East Asia delegation attending the latest round of climate change talks by the…


20.11.2017 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Photo by Muhammad Pascal Fajrin, CC BY-SA 4.0 from Wikimedia Commons

Jakarta (Indonesia) – Using, appropriating and managing the city is at the very heart of our collective existence, says Marco Kusumawijaya, architect,…


16.11.2017 | Climate change | News

Manila (Philippines) – The prospect of democratizing energy for Filipino families burns brighter as leaders from local government units gear up for…


15.11.2017 | Future Hub | News

Dhaka (Bangladesh) – Public and private sectors should be included in the design and implementation of any reforms to address the issues around…


26.10.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Manila (Philippines) – In the face of a rapidly-changing labour market, the Regional Tripartite Social Dialogue Conference (RTSDC) was held last week…


20.10.2017 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News
Crowd of people walking in a street market of Yangon, Myanmar. Some guys stand by the stalls, while other walk and ride bicycle. The Shwedagon Pagoda, the main city temple, is visible in the background. Warm sunlight illuminates the scene through palm trees.

Yangoon (Myanmar) – Will democracy in Myanmar have to live with military prerogatives, tutelary power and civilian-military power-sharing in the times…


12.10.2017 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Geneva (Switzerland) – Global trade has triggered challenges for workers’ rights and how to address them was the focus of a session by…


12.10.2017 | Climate change | News

Hanoi (Vietnam) – Renewable energy is likely to become increasingly important to the economies of Asia as they address energy security and…


10.10.2017 | Gender Justice | News

Singapore – Young women rarely hold leadership positions in trade unions, a reality akin to workers organizing across Asia and bound to change with a…


03.10.2017 | Future Hub | News
Photo by Bro. Jeffrey Pioquinto, SJ (Flickr), CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Youth is once again called to the fore with the rise of authoritarianism in the region, their voices captured by contributors in this year’s second…


30.09.2017 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

Amidst new financial and security dependencies arising along China's Silk Road Economic Belt, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and partners are working…


26.09.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue, #CLSPlus | News

Singapore – A model labour chapter to EU trade agreements and preferences commissioned by FES can pave way to stronger implementation of labour…


21.09.2017 | Gender Justice | News
Women wash clothes and dishes on the streets of Patan Durbar Square in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Kathmandu (Nepal) – As Nepal outlaws a discriminatory practice of exiling women during their periods, only concerted effort can turn the country’s…


19.09.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) – Trade unions gathered on 4-5 September 2017 to promote the ASEAN Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on…


29.08.2017 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

Jakarta (Indonesia) – A new book reasserts Indonesia’s tradition of tolerance


23.08.2017 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Happy rural Indian women working on laptop in village. She is working with confidence.

New Delhi (India) – We must place inclusiveness at the centre stage of any discussion about the future of work and employment.


22.08.2017 | Gender Justice | News

Jakarta (Indonesia) – A new study is out that formed the basis for discussion of the High-Level Policy Dialogue of ASEAN on the conditions of women…


20.07.2017 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Phnom Penh (Cambodia) – Reforming international trade agreements and preferential schemes are an important tool to overcome serious challenges the…


14.07.2017 | Climate change, Economy of tomorrow | News
Cityscape of Shenzhen, China with large green area and skyscrapers background

Shanghai (China) – FES and partners in China continue the quest for new strategies to address the challenge of rapidly increasing urbanization and…


07.07.2017 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) – Interview with Damba Ganbat, organizer of the Ulaanbaatar Dialogue, on the challenges to peace and security in Northeast…


05.07.2017 | Future Hub | News

Manila (Philippines) – In this photo story, see how knowledge, skills and values are passed on to future political leaders for a progressive future in…


04.07.2017 | Future Hub | News

Beni and Syangja (Nepal) – In two consecutive seminars organized by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Nepal, citizens discuss state-building at the local…


30.06.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue, #CLSPlus | News

Brussels (Belgium) – “Trade agreements are instruments to improve the situation the participating nations find themselves in.”


27.06.2017 | Event, News

Watch the debate at the European Parliament! Panellists, including Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, explore how to strengthen the social…


23.06.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Indian workers sew in clothing factory.

Growing discontent with globalisation could turn into backlashes unless the EU brings its trade negotiations in line with its own human rights agenda…


19.06.2017 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Hands working with seamstress sews on an old sewing machine, threads the fabric.

Singapore (Singapore)—A new publication draws attention to the poor working conditions in global supply chains, and the link between trade and labour.


19.06.2017 | Future Hub | News
LGBT activists hold a long rainbow colored flag demanding equality.

June is LGBT Pride Month when pride marches around the world commemorate the Stonewall riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969, in New York…


17.06.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Kathmandu (Nepal) – The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) organized a meeting on improving recruitment…


16.06.2017 | Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News

Singapore (Singapore)—Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung starts FutureLab to unite feminists across Asia through a regional platform


15.06.2017 | Climate change | News

Hanoi (Vietnam) – Interview on the challenges and opportunities of an energy transition for Vietnam


29.05.2017 | Climate change | News

To mitigate climate change, Asia needs to undergo a transition towards a low-carbon economy suggests the climate team of FES in Asia, since May with a…


25.05.2017 | Gender Justice | News

Bangkok (Thailand) – Women's rights face ongoing challenges in Thailand, including persistent stereotyping and a range of oppressions, according to a…


10.05.2017 | Economy of tomorrow | News

Jakarta (Indonesia) – The digital economy has consequences for both organized and informal labour, requiring steps by employers, the government and…


03.05.2017 | Future Hub | News

Kathmandu (Nepal) – The drain on Nepal’s workforce from emigration and the state of the country’s democracy were among topics raised by at a youth…


30.04.2017 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Photo by Steve Jurvetson from Menlo Park, USA (glue works Uploaded by Zolo), CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

On the occasion of the International Workers’ Day, Christopher Ng of UNI Asia & Pacific with a call for an economy where the human and social…


28.04.2017 | Gender Justice | News
Local People on a crowded street of a city in Pakistan.

Islamabad (Pakistan) ― We need to connect and create synergies between the women’s movement and struggles with existing labour movements in the…


28.04.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Bangkok (Thailand) ― Historically, tram workers were the first to form a union in Thailand, where today workers share a global challenge, achieving…


20.04.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Dhaka (Bangladesh) ― FES and partners contribute to constructive social partnerships and harmonious industrial relations in the lead up to the Rana…


03.04.2017 | Economy of tomorrow | News

Dhaka (Bangladesh) – At a launch of a new study by FES and partners, experts discuss the Bangladesh transformative journey to avoid a middle-income…


20.03.2017 | Gender Justice | News

Himachal Pradesh (India)—A short documentary by FES raises awareness about the hardships of women and the families of migrant workers in India.


08.03.2017 | Gender Justice | News

New Delhi (India) – With investments for strong workers organising, gender equality laws and policies to address issues of violence or care work are…


08.03.2017 | Gender Justice | News

Singapore – An op-ed on domestic workers’ rights in Asia reminds us, the political goal of the international women’s movement for equality goes hand…


08.03.2017 | Gender Justice | News

Dhaka (Bangladesh) – The majority of women in Bangladesh still bear the double burden of paid work and unpaid care work.


02.03.2017 | #CLSPlus, Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Mobile phones being produced in a factory

An op-ed on working conditions in the electronics industry testifies to the urgency for binding and enforceable labour provisions, focus of CLS+, a…


20.02.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Singapore ― In a guest contribution for FES on World Day of Social Justice, ITUC General Secretary calls for decent work in supply chains in Asia.


20.01.2017 | Gender Justice | News

Phnom Penh (Cambodia) – A multi-media project in Cambodia advocates for better working conditions of female construction workers.


18.01.2017 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) – Experts discuss how to link trade, decent work and shared prosperity in global supply chains, finding that voluntary…


21.12.2016 | Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News

A looming slowdown of global trade triggers social issues. A comeback of conservatism cements persistent inequalities: Those are the challenges of the…


20.12.2016 | Trade, labour and social dialogue, #CLSPlus | News

More spare time, better pay, safer workplaces: The CLS+ project by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Asia aims to better the working conditions for workers…


30.11.2016 | Climate change | News

Ha Noi (Vietnam) ― After a change of heart, Vietnam decision-makers halt plans to construct nuclear power plants. Sites were prepared for…


28.10.2016 | Economy of tomorrow | News

Seoul (Korea) – Experts from ten Asian countries lead the Economy of Tomorrow (EoT) regional project to the next phase. Amidst changing political…


23.10.2016 | Gender Justice | News
Shot of an unrecognizable woman holding a notepad written "WE ARE ALL EQUAL!" in the city

Policies that advance gender equality are central to the work towards social democracy.


19.10.2016 | Gender Justice | News
Tribal woman with pot on head in desert

Islamabad (Pakistan) – A study by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung helps rethink strategies and alliances in debates and actions against gender violence.


30.09.2016 | Economy of tomorrow | News

A two-day meeting is underway where experts from India and Europe weave path for cooperation projects on energy and urban transformation.


29.09.2016 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Airplane wing flying over the blue sky

Pokhara (Nepal) — The Asian civil aviation industry is growing alongside a pressing need to organize workers across its different sectors.


23.09.2016 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News
Large group of factory workers standing together in warehouse

An Asia-wide BASF regional network takes shape in Singapore as part of an effort to create a sustainable BASF Global Network of trade unionists.


23.09.2016 | Economy of tomorrow | News
Closeup woman filling form of Individual Income Tax Return

Sampran (Thailand) – A policy community has been exploring alternative tax models, part of the Economy of Tomorrow project.


23.09.2016 | Gender Justice, #FeministAsia | News

New Delhi (India) – Shiva and his consort Parvati* in discussion on feminism in a new comic by FES India to mark the launch of their country study as…


23.08.2016 | Climate change | News

August 23, 2016 — FES Asia is part of an international FES delegation to discuss climate justice and social ecological transformation at a global…


23.07.2016 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

An important mission of the international union movement is to increase its participation in global governance and convey the views and concerns of…


23.07.2016 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

The potential of Social Protection Floors to eradicate poverty and to balance economic and social uncertainties has been reaffirmed by its prominent…


23.06.2016 | News

The FES Office for Regional Cooperation in Asia welcomes its new Director, Adrienne Woltersdorf. After almost four years, the previous Director Julia…


23.06.2016 | Cooperation for Peace and Security | News

A new series of publications by FES Afghanistan and the Afghanistan Analysts Network puts in context the security situation of the region with the…


23.06.2016 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Young workers affiliated to the International Transport Federation have expressed their concern over the growing trend of precarious work arrangements…


23.06.2016 | Gender Justice | News

Over 35% of the domestic workers worldwide are accounted for in Asia where the Philippines remains the only country to ratify international labour…


23.06.2016 | Future Hub | News

Three young political activists from Southeast Asia share their thoughts about political participation and organizing at a time of a rising economic…


23.06.2016 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

In Kathmandu, Building and Woodworkers International and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung bring together women trade unionists to pave the road for…


06.06.2016 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Securing social and labour standards in global supply chains is a challenge under current trade regimes and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung is gearing up…


03.12.2015 | Trade, labour and social dialogue | News

Lively discussions of representatives from trade union centres from over 20 countries from Asia and Europe with government officials, the European…


FES Asia

Bringing together the work of our offices in the region, we provide you with the latest news on current debates, insightful research and innovative visual outputs on the future of work, geopolitics, gender justice, and social-ecological transformation.
